http://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridge: 32/64-64/32 bridge to use the 32 bit VSTs with Live 9 64 bit or other 64 bit hosts without 2.xx bridge, 20$ only.

http://www.youtube.com/user/KX77FREE (Eng) [KX77FREE's videos]

http://www.hermannseib.com/english/savihost.htm (Gr/Eng) [Free host and vst]

http://www.synthfont.com (Eng) [Free host, sf2 tools]

http://www.synthedit.com (Eng) [SE, modular host to create your vst!]

http://nay-seven.com/index.php (Fr) [SE forum-> over :-(]

http://www.codeblocks.org (Eng) [Free IDE c++]

http://www.musicdsp.org(Eng) [DSP code]

http://www.csounds.com(Eng) [Music and DSP]

http://www.g200kg.com/en/software/knobman.html (Eng) [Free vst, Graphic Tools]

http://antti.smartelectronix.com(Eng) [Free vst]

http://www.novaflash.com (Fr/Eng) [Free vst -> over :-(]

http://bserrano.free.fr (Eng) [Free vst]

http://www.hervenoury.com (Fr) [Free vst]

http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com (Fr) [Free vst]

http://acousmodules.free.fr (Fr/Eng) [Free vst]

http://www.rekkerd.org (Eng) [loops, vst links]

http://bbrunoo.free.fr (Fr) [Music links]

http://instrumentsvirtuels.free.fr (Fr) [Music forum, vst database -> over :-(]

http://www.kvraudio.com DC 2007! (Eng) [Music forum, vst database]

http://www.dontcrack.com (Eng) [Free vst links]

http://www.samplestation.net (Fr) [Music forum]

http://www.gersic.com (Eng) [Free vst database]

http://www.plugindex.de (Gr) [Free vst database]

http://www.vstplanet.com (Eng) [Free vst database]

http://www.synthzone.com (Eng) [Synth links]

http://www.audiofanzine.fr (Fr/Eng) [Music forum,vst database]

https://www.synthe-modulaire.com (Fr) [Music forum, modular ]

https://synthe-modulaire.bandcamp.com (Fr) [Music, modular ]

http://flux-audio.synthe-modulaire.fr (Fr) [Music radio, modular ]

https://modular-station.com (Fr) [Music radio, modular ]

KX77FREE : © 2003-2021 by Claudia Kalensky. All Rights Reserved.