To operate the 64 bit (x64) KX77FREE plug-ins and the 32 bit (x86) version of SE PolyMod KX plug-in require MicroSoft files called "Visual C ++ Redistributable Package". These need to be installed only once on each PC that uses these plug-ins. The AU version of SE PolyMod KX doesn't need these files...

Link to get the 2015-2022 version (check your already installed packages):

This zip contains the c++ source files (cpp, h, xml) of some of my SEM modules (dll) and those based on the original SE SEM modules (SampleOscillator3, WaveRecorder3, various tools).

---> Latest updates

2 new tracks (WMA PRO 24 bit/48k) - Album: Bad Girl
- Men are dogs with us, Cubase 96k, 21 min.
- Sweet dream before seeing the reality, Cubase 96k, 11 min 45 sec.
"Men are dogs with us" is about a feminist subject, the text is in the video.
"Sweet dream before seeing reality" is a track mainly made with the SE Modular ME.
The novelty is that having bought a Native Instrument keyboard I use DrumLab partly for drums.
Update x.03 of SE Modular ME, X16 and Kx Midi Filter
SE 1.5.543.

01/07/2024 - Updates (ver x.10)
SDK 10 2022 (no change) - SE 1.4709
- Update to last SE engine.
- KX MODULAD and KX WAVETRACER: addition of the 14 main waveforms of the KORG DW 8000, rebuilt with the Kx WaveTracer plugin.
- 73 waveforms available in the "All KX Waveforms" zip (Old Synthi, DV800, CS70M, DW 8000).
Fixed bugs:
- KX SYNTH X16 M version: the Midi Learn function was not activated.
- KX MODULAD: "Syn *16" oversampling down filter code error.

17/03/2024 - SE Modular ME - Kx Midi Filter - X16 - x.02 update
Built with last SDK and SE 1.5.515
Fixed bug:
- GUI darkening issues with Intel GPUs like UHD 620.

13/01/2024 - SE Modular ME - x.01 update
SE 1.5.488
- Ability to turn off the oscilloscope and analyzer.
Fixed bugs:
- Presets can be loaded with DAW.
- Delay reset.

02/01/2024 - 3 new VST3 plug-ins
- SE Modular ME, a modular version of the SE PolyMod KX with more than 80 patch points and available sources. A plug-in for modulists, no connection limits, polyphonic 6 voices, 16 steps sequencer, oversampling, matrix 12*12, stereo, a fat KX synth ^_^, Mamie Electro is not dead!
- Kx-Midi-Filter, version 3.0 of my MIDI filtering VST, available sources.
- X16, the sequencer of the Kx-Synth-x16 with its Midi output in omni mode,to create a polyphonic system with monophonic synthesizers.
- Updated the "Some-KX77FREE-sem-src-code" zip.

Beta versions because the exports are made with SynthEdit 1.5.468, tested with Steinberg's VST3 plug-in test host, Reaper 7.07, Cubase 12.0.7, VSTHost 1.56, Live 11.3.

---> Recent updates

16/07/2023 - 1 new track (WMA PRO 24 bit/48k) - album : I don't need Moog
- L'orgasme de la baleine, Cubase 12 96k, 33 min 52 sec.
I imagined the little story "The orgasm of the whale" while playing this track. As for the title of the album, it's to make fun of some Musicians, I have always hated their very materialistic side related to the value of their instruments. I love Moog synthesizers, it's just one of the reference brands often cited.

---> About x64 VST

VST2 recommended for VSTHost:
VSTHost 1.56 stays incompatible when the plug-ins are used as VST3 but not as VST2.
The VST3 GUI works fine only with VSTHost 1.54.

Fruity Loop:
Select "Use fixed size buffers" in the plug-in options to gain 25% of CPU usage!

If you listen audio drops after editing a parameter.
To fix it > FX windows > Compatibility settings > "Save minimal undo steps".
If you listen audio drops when you load presets linked to the x16 sequencer.
To fix it > Preference > Device > set Audio thread priority to Normal.

Installation example:
1- Unzip and copy the VST3 folder in "C:\Programs\Common files\VST3".

2- To operate the 64 bit (x64) KX77FREE plug-ins require MicroSoft files called "Visual C ++ Redistributable Package". These need to be installed only once on each PC that uses these plug-ins.
Get the 2015-2022 version (check your already installed packages):

3- In "Users\"your account"\Documents\VST3 Presets\kx77free\"KX MODULAD", you copy all *.vstpreset files provided with the VST3.
If you use these plug-ins as VST2, it is recommended to install the VST3 presets because now the internal menu displays only the VST3 presets installed in the user's Documents folder! If your DAW is in Administrator mode the Documents folder will be the one of the Administrator account .

4- If your DAW does not support VST3, rename the extension of the plugin *.vst3 by *.dll (VST2) and copy the VST2 folder in "C:\Programs\Common files\VST2" or in your usual x64 VST2 folder (not in the vst3 folder!).

5- Update the database of your DAW by scanning the plug-ins.

"Common Files" is a protected Windows system folder. Your DAW must be in Administrator mode to save the x16 sequencer files or presets in this one. If else you must save them in your Document folder of your account or you can also use another folder which is not protected by Windows.

The KX-POLYMOD (02/2013) and KX-SYNTH-X16 (11/2010) were selected by Computer Magazine, Computer Music special n°58 and n°44.



I have been programing synthetizer presets for many years (80's). The VST plug-ins that I propose are a series of instruments that use evolved subtractive synthesis. They are not simply a numerical emulation of vintage keyboards.

With the KX77FREE plug-ins, the musician is not limited to the vintage sounds. The modular structures of the recent KX77FREE plug-ins are more advanced. They permit to create more acoustic sounds and also fat pad sounds. The KX-POLYM-CSE and the KX-SYNTH-X16 presets are really more 70's but you can modifiy them for your music.

My work is maybe a little different than usual virtual synthesizers, but it is done for the attention of musicians who like to program their own sounds. Even if I explain clearly the KXMOD parameters use, you must have a minimum of knowledge of subtractive synthesis to appreciate them. The presets of KX77FREE plug-ins are really nice because I use them for my music, they are not made to do a simple demonstration...

I started to work on KX77FREE plug-ins in October 2002. Comparing the sound obtained with Synthedit and with my SixTrack, I decided to do my own virtual instruments with this modular software. On the beginning of the 2000 decade, we had the choice between expensive hardware or poor quality VA because the computers were very slow.

The first advantage of developing VST plug-ins with Synthedit is that its modules (vco, vcf, vca...) are controlled by voltage. e.g. if you modulate an oscillator with a value of 5 volts you obtain 440 Hz. We stay in the logic of analog synthesizers and the behavior of the various modules of Synthedit is close to their hardware equivalent.
The second advantage is that you can do a simple and effective programming. The programmer can concentrate his attention to the musical aspect of the instrument.

But the power of this program is in the possibility of writing its own modules with the c++. Since May 2005, I started to write my own modules. They are now built-in into the KXOMNI 600, KX-MODULAD, KX-SYNTH-X16, KX-POLYMOD, etc...
Without Synthedit I would not have imagined to create these plug-ins, too complex to be programmed entirely in C++, SE permits to avoid to code in C++ the GUI and the main DSP engine!

I have been often disappointed by the sound quality of the virtual analog synthesizer plug-ins. Most of these plug-ins do not reproduce the sound of analog synthesizers of the Seventies and Eighties. They are far from having an equivalent sound. Even if they reproduce the vintage synthesizer architecture, they have not the typical sound of these electronic instruments which are so much appreciated by a whole generation of musicians.
I do not claim to do better. Do not dream, if you want the sound of a vintage keyboard, buy one!

I have already exploited and tuned this kind of machines. I think that simulating the characteristic tune defects of vintage keyboards is not technically difficult. The purpous is not to reproduce each transistor and resistance of an analogic circuit, but to create similar defects, the most significant, those that flatter our ears. This way, you avoid spending the resources of the processor, these are thus dedicated to the structure of the instrument.

In fact, it is not interesting to make a simple imitation of "Moog". It is better to build synthetizers which were impossible to realize at the vintage time (too high cost), staying in the same spirit, by improving each group of parameters to realize instruments as musical as possible.

I worked on the possible solutions to simulate the sound of the analog synthesizers and to create new parameters adapted to the music of today.

These solutions are the parameters named KXMOD*.

The principle is: the user can create modulations of the voltage of the oscillators and filter in order to simulate the defects of analog synthesizers. However, the user has the possibility of not using them.
The KXMOD parameters are not really innovating (they are just where they must be...) but the musician can create with them more musical sounds. And following the plug-in these parameters may change.

At the beginning, I did not intend to provide my plug-ins on Internet, but as I am enthusiastically in favour of free softwares and realizing the quality of the sound obtained with Synthedit, I decided to finish my plug-ins and to provide them free.

Currently, the KX77FREE plug-ins are distributed as FREEWARES.

In return, I would like to have your opinion about my plug-ins to ameliorate them. And as soon as possible if you like them, you can talk about on the web forums. I try to keep my time for the development.


*I write about on the web since 2005.


Helps and Advices

x86 plug-ins compatibilities
Old SE plug-ins are compatible with all hosts which are VST 32 bit compatible (with a 32 bit bridge like the 64 bit versions of Reaper) for Windows 32 and 64.
So if you want to use the x86 KX77FREE plug-ins with your 64 bit host and if this one has not a vst 32 bridge, you can use the jbrige 32/64-64/32 vst bridge (20$ only):

Your host and Jbrigde must run in administrator mode:
To solve this, locate theirs shorcuts, right-click them, choose "Properties", and in the "compatibility" tab enable
"Run this program as an administrator option".
The KX77FREE plug-ins are FREEWARES, so 20$, it's a good deal!

AVAST users
I notified since October 2013 that AVAST resident engine creates random false positves about the files *.sem (dll). Also I contacted AVAST about this problem and normally they check it*. So even if I check regularly my url to verify if I have false alerts, that will be great if you email me when you have one. In case you must use the quarantaine options to send the file to AVAST like a false positive and to create an exception about the *.sem file waiting Avast modifies its database, generally in one or two days. These alerts seem based of the type of dll, the date and the number of AVAST users, not really on a real scan (the scanned files are alway ok...). Remenber you that the official url to download the KX77FREE files is,all other urls have not my agreement and are illegal!
*Now I add informations into the properties of each new sdk3 SEM (dll) and I reduce the number of SEM per plug-in by compiling all SDK3 SEM into only one or two files.

Fiber Local Storage...
There is a number limit of static DLLs loaded by a DAW. Each DAW can not load more than 128 static DLLs and depending on how they handle the loaded VSTs, you can not load more than 50 to 100 DIFFERENT VSTs (+/-, if the VSTs use static DLLs). On Cubase the limit is around 50 and on Reaper the limit is around 100 ...
This limit does not exist with VSTs which use MicroSoft Runtime DLLs and system files, but they share memory and depend on users system configuration.
This limit appears when you want to use VSTs that use a lot of DLLs (SEM) and when the vst is initialized Windows alert messages appear: "Can not load sem ...".
The paradox is that this limit does not exist with jBridge (x86 and x64) ...
That's why I compiled all my current SDK3 SEM into one file to reduce the number of FLS slots used by each plug-in!
To solve this problem with plug-ins made with SE that typically use a lot of DLLs, Jeff recently decided to compile SE without static DLLs. In fact all my last x64 VST do not use static DLLs because they are built with the latest versions of SynthEdit and the end users must install the Visual C ++ Redistributable Package 2015!
My other main x86 VSTs consist of two static dlls. The x86 versions use static DLLs compiled with MSV2010 (one FLS slot by DLL) and the x64 versions use no static DLLs compiled with MSV2015 (two FLS slots for all plug-ins loaded, not limit).

Help tips
The knobs of Kx77free plug-ins have help tips (in english) to explain the new functions incorporated in these plug-ins.

The KX77FREE plug-ins are provided for experienced musicians. I highly advise the beginners to download Synthedit and to use the synthesisers provided with it :

x86 support
Some of old KX77FREE's plug-ins have been conceived few years ago (< 2007, 8x8cc, KXPM25,...) and they were not really optimized with my c++ code and the recent SE engines than the actual main plug-ins.

You can regulate small values with the mouse while pressing on the Ctrl key and also adjust some parameters with a numerical value in the field on the bottom of the knob, for example if one slider permits you to regulate a modulation up to a value of 10, you can however put this one at 20 but some parameters can be limited with internal limits.
The values are in volt, e.g. 1 volt to an oscillator = a modulation of an octave.

0.000 = 0 % CPU
In general, if you regulate a parameter at 0.000, you put its modulation at zero, this one will not use any more resource. Each voice is off after the end of the VCA release, so avoid to use a long release time to the VCA.


Description of the KXMOD system (1.0 version, written in 2005, KXPM)


1 The parameter "*Hz" creates a very slow cyclic modulation to the voltage of the oscillators, reproducing thus an instability of the power supply.

2 The parameter "Kbd tune" reproduces a bad adjustment of the keyboard, the tune is not linear according to the position of the note (A2=0, A3=0, A4=0).

3 The parameter "RND" reproduces the equivalent of characteristic defects of the polyphonic vintage keyboards: the polyphony is obtained with several independent monophonic synthesizers.
Each note starts one monophonic synthesizer which inevitably has an adjustment slightly different from the others.
You have the choice between two adjustments: "RND" or "Voice", "RND" is a random value while "Voice" is a fixed value.
The output of the noise generator which creates the random values can modulate the principal modules : vco, vcf, vca.

4 The parameter "Kbd" allows an adjustment of the oscillator level according to the note played on the keyboard (A3=0).

5 The Vcf has two filters, because the digital filters are less effective than their analog equivalent. The musician has the impression to use only one filter because the second filter is controlled by the same cutoff adjustment than the first filter. The cutoff of the filter 2 is slave of the filter 1. It has an offset to obtain a variation of the filtering slope. The filters can be used in series or in parallel.

6 The Cutoff modulation made by the envelope generator can be not linear (Linear, Exp, Exp-inv, dB, dB old), to createa filtering with more or less punch.

7 The Attack parameter and the Release parameter of the envelope generators can be controlled by the velocity.

8 Each envelope generator (also the lfo) has a synchronization clock which can be independent from the tempo of the vst host software. The clocks are adjustable with an offset (more or less 240 Bpm).


KX77FREE VST Plug-ins for Windows: 20 vst/i' s and 3 vst/e' s

SE Modular ME
Vintage modular polyphonic synthesizer for advanced modulists.
VST3 only, SE 1.5 exports.
Source files available.

Download SE Modular ME



Stereo routing.
Unlimited patch connections.
More than 80 patch points with modulation level adjustment.
6 voices of polyphony, adjustable.
Oversampling up to 192k.
2 MidiToCV, one poly and one mono.
1 Matrix of 12 by 12.
3 Vcos, 5 waveforms, with phase modulation and synchronization (Vco1).
1 CV/Gate 16-step Mini Sequencer.
5 Keypad Followed -10 to 10 Volts) for Vcos and Vcfs.
1 Ring modulator with one equalizer per input.
1 White Noise Generator.
1 LFO with ADR (can be used as an oscillator but remains monophonic).
2 Multi-Mode VCFs.
4 simple and complete envelope generators, controlled by velocity and keyboard.
1 X Y joystick controlling different sources.
2 Sample & Hold.
2 Tempo sync clocks.
2 Vcas.
2 Delays with multi-mode filter, modulation and tempo sync.
1 Oscilloscope.
1 Frequency Analyzer.
Frequency and volt displays (values can be copied).
1 Notepad.
128 presets.
Midi Learn.

Vintage modular polyphonic synthesizer with CV/GATE sequencer and CS70M* emulation.

Download Kx-PolyM-CSE



Stereo routing, mono or dual channel polyphonic synthesizer.
Up to 6 voices.
Oversampling up to 192k.
20*12 Matrix controlled by 5*5 Sub matrix, include 3 Kxmod sources.
6 Vcos with 5 waveforms, include the CS's waveforms, with Phase modulation and Sync (Vcos1).
Oscillators 100% compatible with the Kx-Modulad's waveforms (med, 498k).
1 CV/GATE sequencer (x16).
3 Keyboard traking (-10 to 10) for the Vcos and the Vcfs.
1 Ring Modulator (oversampled) with one EQ for each input.
1 Noise Generator (Pink, White) with EQ.
1 Monophonic LFO with ADSR (no linear speed like CS's Lfo).
2 Mulitmode VCFs with oversampled processes.
2 Vcas with polyphonic oversampled distortion.
4 Polyphonic EGs with curves for each segment, trigger sources, velocity and Kbd controls.
1 X Y joystick controller with several sources.
1 Sample & Hold.
10 host sync clocks.
1 Soft Vintage EQ.
2 Delays with sync, multimode filter and modulation oscillator with sync.
1 Scope with 10 ms of buffer size.
1 Frequency display.
2 Note pads.
Full Midi learn.
Internal Fxp and Fxb management (x86 only).
160 KX's vst3 presets ... (CS, organ, EP, bass, lead, brass, string, RMO).
*CS70M (1981):Yamaha © Nippon Gakki Co.Ltd Hamamastu. Japan.

Vintage modular polyphonic synthesizer with stereo SF2 player. To build analog 70's leads!

Download Kx-PolyMod



Stereo routing.
Up to 6 voices.
Oversampling up to 192k.
15*12 Matrix controlled by 5*5 Sub matrix, include 4 Kxmod sources.
5 Vcos with 5 waveforms, include the TriSaw, with Phase modulation and Sync (Vco1 only).
Oscillators 100% compatible with the Kx-Modulad's waveforms (med, 498k).
1 Stereo SF2 player (16 and 24 bits).
1 SF2 drum set (24 bits, 12 samples, 3.3 Mo).
4 Keyboard traking (-10 to 10) for the Vcos and the Vcfs.
1 Ring Modulator with EQ.
1 Noise Generator with EQ.
1 Monophonic LFO with ADSR.
2 Mulitmode VCFs (20) with oversampled processes.
4 Polyphonic EGs with curves for each segment, velocity and Kbd controls.
1 X Y joystick controller.
1 Sample & Hold.
10 host sync clocks.
1 compressor.
1 oversampled Distortion.
1 Soft Vintage EQ.
2 Delays with sync, multimode filter and modulation oscillator with sync.
1 Scope with 10 ms of buffer size.
1 Frequency display.
1 Note pad.
Full Midi learn.
Internal Fxp and Fxb management (x86 only).
198 KX's vst3 presets, very 70's!

SE PolyMod KX
Vintage polyphonic synthesizer to build analog 70's leads!
Open SE1, provided with its SE1 files and skin elements.
Built for help SE community, based only on SE modules but great VA sounding!

AU INTEL stable release available for Mac users (check the Readme to install it).

New SE 1.5 can export in native ARM but I will not pay 100€ to Apple each year for notarize this free plugin!
It's not possible to install an unnotarized ARM plugin in new OSX so bye bye Apple, sorry...

Download SE PolyMod KX


Oversampling up to 192k.
Stereo routing.
Up to 4 voices.
12*12 Matrix.
8 KXMOD modulations.
3 Vcos with 5 waveforms and Sync (Vco1 only).
5 Keyboard traking (-10 to 10) for the Vcos and the Vcfs.
1 Ring Modulator with EQ.
1 Noise Generator.
1 Monophonic LFO with ADSR (possible to use it like an oscillator).
2 Mulitmode VCFs (SVF, Moog, Korg with saturator).
4 Polyphonic EGs with velocity and Kbd controls.
1 X Y joystick controller.
2 Delays with host sync, multimode filter and modulation oscillator with host sync.
1 Scope.
1 Frequency display.
1 Note pad.
Full Midi learn.
Internal Fxp and Fxb management.
178 KX's vst3 presets very 70's!

Analog modular synthesizer with stereo SF2 player and an additive synthesis WaveTracer to build high quality waveforms. 128 KX presets (70's and 80's).

Download Kx-Modulad



WaveTracer v2.0 (inside the x86 Kx Modulad plug-in)
Full parameters controls to make Additive Waveforms with no aliasing.
Full 32 bit High Quality Waveforms.
Easy to use and to create basic analog waveforms.
Same quality for all clock frequencies: 44.1 khz to 192 khz.
Independent WaveTracer engine: KxWaveTracer.exe.

Modular Synthesizer
Stereo routing.
All modulations are pre-connected, no cables on the GUI.
Skin with variable background color and popup menus.
Oversampling up to 192k.
3 Polyphonic EGs with for each segment: curves, velocity and Kbd controls.
1 Monophonic EG with for each segment: curves, velocity and Kbd controls.
Multiple trigger sources and sync for the EGs and the LFOs.
2 Oscillators with 2 waveforms and 2 outputs with Phase modulation and Sync.
2 independent Sub Oscillators.
1 Stereo SF2 player.
2 Monophonic LFOs with 2 Rates and ASR EG.
2 Mulitmode VCFs.
Mixer with 6 sources: Noise, Vco1 1-2, Vco 2 1-2, Ring, Vco1 Width, Vco2 Width and 3 outputs: VCF1, VCF2, VCA.
Each mixer voice can be modulated by different sources.
Noise Generator with an EQ.
Random generator, to modulate the Vcos and Vcfs with random values (note on).
Ring Modulator.
6 host sync clocks.
2 Midi inputs.
1 Distortion.
2 Delays with sync, multimode filter and modulation oscillator with sync.
1 Scope with 100 ms of buffer size.
Full Midi learn.
128 nice KX presets!

*The 1.0 version has been created for KVR developer challenge 2007.

Download Kx WaveTracer

SCREENSHOT    WaveTracer v5.00 HELP

WaveTracer v5.0 (x64 only, FX VST3-VST2)
Fx plug-in to create compatible waveforms with all KX77FREE plug-ins, also to sample your hardware, virtual oscillators or the internal oscillator.
 - Independent WaveTracer engine (x64 console program): KxWaveTracer.exe.
Inside the zip, there is a folder named "WaveTracer", copy this one on the root of your disk C. The default paths are based on the C:\WaveTracer to simplify the main installation, by this way no need to set the KxWavetracer program in administrator mode to write the waveforms and also to avoid the users document folder with a specific name.
- Frequency analyzers and scopes to compare the current waveform with the signal input.
- Possibility to use relative levels or absolute levels.
- Possibility to loop groups of 10 harmonics to create quickly analogue waveforms and to mix them following the volt scale inside one wavetable in 32 bit float data (*.kxw).
- Possibility to adjust the phase of each harmonic to recreate a particular waveform because the final form depends of the harmonic phases.
- Built-in oscillator to listen the waveform.
- New waveform builder features to copy directly the main levels of 40 first harmonics detected by the audio inputs analyzer. The harmonics are detected with a threshold in dB and theirs tunes are indexed following the note played on the virtual keyboard.
- New sampling features to sample hardware oscillators or internal oscillator (additive waveforms).
The sample tune is based on the virtual keyboard, the input signal must be tuned with the oscillator (by listening, with the scopes and analyzers). By this way it is possible to find precisely the loop duration for each note sampled.
- Only one button to fill the wave buffer and after to record the wav file.
- Possibility to sample the KX oscillator output or the audio inputs (left or right input, current sample rate, mono, 16 bit pcm or 32 bit float).
- Auto wav file duration based on one cycle (out of tune, eg: 48khz -> 440hz -> 109.0909 -> 109 spl) or on a number of cycles following the rounded tune frequency (tuned, eg: 440 hz = 440 cycles -> 440*109.0909...= 48000 spl).
- Auto loop with zero crossing, the loop time is simply the file duration from start to end file.
- Possibility to listen the looped wave buffer to record again if you forgot to tune your sampled instrument.
- 3 scopes added: input, sampling input, wave buffer. There is a little knob to adjust their visibility on the background.
- New skin.
- 49 waveform vst3 presets.

KX-SYNTH-X16 - X16 sequencer
Vintage modular polyphonic synthesizer.

A virtual analog based on the VCS3 structure.
Download KX-SYNTH-X16,  KX-SYNTH-X16-M or KX-SYNTH-X16-FX



28/11/2008 (V 1.04)
It was unusual for me to work on VA but when Burnie asked us Nova and me to do a VCS3 plug-in, I was interested. This old EMS synthesizer is great with its modern matrix concept, its joystick and its possibility to do feedback patches. Nova collected some docs and Scot Solida sent to Nova his recordings. I used them to research the way to do a close oscillator simulation. I did a new filter based on the KX filter code. Nova built a modern skin. We did not built another SE clone of this synthesizer but added some great features on the original concept.

01/06/2009 (V 2.00)
One of the new features of the 2.0 version is the polyphony with a total respect of the original feeling of this synthesizer. A new KXMOD system is implemented to create fat vintage leads or nice polyphonic instruments. A CV and gate sequencer has been added to create real vintage sequences.

20/02/2010 (V 2.5)
This new version was designed for live sessions. The full Midi learn was added. The stability improved and tested in all major hosts.
Now, they are 3 versions:
KX-SYNTH-X16-V25, main polyphonic version, zip file or setup.exe are available.
KX-SYNTH-X16-M, monophonic version which replaces the old 1.04.
KX-SYNTH-X16-FX, VSTe version for use the audio inputs.

03/07/2010 (V 3.0)
The KX77FREE oscillators replace the native SE oscillators (tweaked with a lot of modules).
The result is -40% of CPU use won (-33% up to -50%).
The waveforms have been modeled by using additive synthesis (Wavetracer v2.0).
This technology produces waveforms like the original analog waveforms, the timbre and the shape can be identical or very close.
Now, the Kx-Synth-x16 oscillators are 100% compatible with the Kx-Modulad waveforms. These waveforms are available on The file is  "".

11/11/2011 (V 4.0)
New version of the built-in sequencer, now it is polyphonic with 6 tracks available.
Various improvements have been done.

22/07/2014 (V 5.0)
New SSE2 SEM, filters, ring modulator ... (oversampling) and only two outputs (64 bit jBridge compatibility).

03/2017 (V 6.0)
Update to 64 bit VST3.

05/2020(V 7.0)

Update with new SR option (oversampling up to 192k) and new preset manager.

11/2020 (V 7.02)
New FX and M versions. These versions are available inside the main Poly plug-in folder, they use the same ressources of this plug-in but theirs presets are not compatibles between the plug-ins, they have different VST ID. M is registred as an instrument (Synth) and FX is registred as an effect (Other).
- Monophonic only.
- Midi input on both versions.
- 2 external inputs with or without a peak follower (to create a gate signal).
- 2 stereo outputs, the Meter matrix output can pass through these ones.
- More matrix Ctrl destinations.
- Matrix outputs manager added: possibility to modulate each matrix output by another one.
- The Midi To CV (Seq) input can be linked by different signals of sequencer tracks: CV, CV level, Gate, A1, A1, Vel (ex: T5 to CV and T6 to Gate).

Common features with the VCS3
Three variable shape oscillators.
16*16 pin matrix with feedback connections.
LP filter, 18 db per octave with self oscillating.
Noise generator with EQ.
Ring modulation.
Two external inputs (only available with the FX version).
XY joystick.

Added features
Polyphony up to 6 voices.
Total control of the polyphony features with the extended KXMOD system.
Each voice can be controlled with RELATIVE parameters (KXMOD).
Analog sequencer (CV & gate) with a memory of 256 steps, files saved on the hard disk,
32 bits data, 2 accent lines, random clock, keyboard input to transpose or to reccord the CV...
Mini knobs to adjust each matrix modulation, 0 to 1 or -1 to 1.
Modern skin with notepad and variable color background.
Html help file.
Possibility to change the waveforms.
Hard synchro from the Vco2 to the Vco1.
Many available filters (Synthi,-30,-24,-12, Hp, CS, SVF).
The original ASR (trapezoid) is extended to 2 ADSR with Attack Reset mode, Host and internal sequencer synchronization.
Ring modulator with an EQ and oversampled limiters.
Delay fx with host synchronization and lfo modulation. It replaces the original spring reverb.
LFO, Sample & Hold and third ADSR envelope added (monophonic modulations), they can replace the external inputs (In1, In2).
Keyboard scalers.
X Y matrix Midi controllers.
Full Midi Learn.
Velocity  to  envelope  segments, cut off and volume.
Midi in splitter.
Omni Midi output to control external monophonic instruments
and build polyphonic ensemble, each instrument is one voice (x86).
Sequencer Midi ouput.
329 KX's vst3 presets

About the VCS3
The VCS3 was created in 1969 by Peter Zinovieff's EMS company.

VSTi to filter Midi data (only Midi In and Midi Out, no audio).

Download Kx-Midi-Filter


Possibility to transpose the Midi input notes and to play on the virtual keyboard (9 octaves).
The Midi input notes are monitored on the keyboard and also the Midi messages on a display.
A total of 40 parameters saved in one preset to ignore the Program Change.
Pitch Bend and Modulation wheels.
Adjustment of the velocity.
Virtual keyboard On-Off.
Channel In : All, 1 to 16.
Channel : Low, 1 to 16, Hi, 1 to 16.
Note : Low, 0 to 127, Hi, 0 to 127.
Velocity : Low, 0 to 127, Hi, 0 to 127.
Program Change : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
Bender : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
Note : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
After : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
Poly After : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
All CC : filter on-off, Midi out channel.
5 CC : None, 0 to 127, Filter or Mapper, 0 to 127 (Mapping).
Reset (CC:120,121,123).

Old Vst plug-ins:

Vintage modular monophonic synthesizer.
Download Kx-Step


06/2007 version 1.03
16 steps CV Gate sequencer.
2 Lfos with delay time and host synchro.
S&H with host synchro.
Ring Modulator.
Noise Generator.
2 Vcos with synchro.
SF2 player.
Mixer with a vintage EQ.
2 multimode Vcfs.
Envelope Generators with a lot of trigger modulations and host synchro.
All modulations work in same time.

Analog and phase distortion stereo synthesizer with KXMOD system.

Each Layer is composed of two oscillators: a "Phase Distortion Oscillator" (Pdo) and a classic oscillator. The oscillators signal can be filtered by a multimode filter, a distortion shaper and modulated by its own feed back signal. All the modulations are controlled by an envelope generator, the velocity and the keyboard. Then the layers sound (4 oscillators + 2 filters...) is filtered by a stereo VCF and finally amplified by a stereo VCA. All the modulations of the oscillators can be modulated by a double LFO.

Download V3 KXOMNI-600 ( KXMOD ver 3.0 )


04/04/2007 version 3.09
Improvement of ADSR modules and the Orion/FL bug was solved.
Adaptation of KXMOD system of the v2 version to the v3 version, now this one modulates the voices in continuous .
Addition of the parameter “Kxmod on”, that makes it possible to gain from 5% to 10% of vst performance*(off).
Addition of the control of Decay by the velocity (Vcf, Vca).
Improvement of the skin and all the knobs helps. 
The “Tuto” presets have help text written in the block “Preset Infos” of “KXMOD” panel.
*Compared to the tests mentioned in the infos page.

V2 KXOMNI-600 ( KXMOD ver 2.0 ) -> links for url story...


16/11/2005 version 1.22
New: Skin with several parameter panels (4), unison mode, Kxdelay2, KXMOD ver 2.0.
04/01/2006 version 1.27
New: the delay time of the envelopes EG1 and EG2 can be controled by the velocity. The frequency of the LFO oscillators can be synchronised with the tempo and the frequency of the second oscillator is adjustable with an offset. The VCF has a new filter:  "KX LPF" (Sem module written in c++, a four poles Low Pass).  Correction of minor bugs and assignment of midi controllers to the principal parameters. Addition of text tips to the complex parameters (in english).
27/01/2006 version 1.28
New version of the KX LPF filter:  you now have the choice between several resonance curves: Off, Lo, Hi, Hi+, SE, Lo+. The presets were adapted according to this filter. The bank contains 76 presets classified.
Correction of midi bugs and the Kxdelay is now initialized during the Prg Change.
10/02/2006 version 1.29
Correction of KXMOD bug and 9 presets was added.
22/03/2006 version 1.30 (SE version : 1.01)
Correction of SE bug (fxp 01 bug). The bank contains 110 presets classified.
07/07/2006 version 2.0 (SE version : 1.015)
12/07/2006 version 2.01
The correction of automation bug, kxmod leds was automated in Cubase.
21/07/2006 version 2.02
Addition of version NFX in the file and now the offset of the lfo2 is usable simultaneously with the synchro.
08/01/2007 version 3.0

Information to read before using it

Stereo Delay with modulations and multi-mode filters.

Download KXDELAY2
Pour les générer 


2 delays (up to 10 sec) with host synchronization, 2 Lfos (modulation) with host synchronization for the filter and the delay time, 2 multi-mode filters (2p, Cut, Res, LP, HP, LP, BR).

28/07/2005 version 1.4
Modification of the parameter names, addition of help tips (in english) and bug correction: the parameter "Mix" had the same Midi controller than the parameter "Delay".
04/01/2006 version 1.5
New skin and addition of new parameters: "MOD->Pan" and "Pan".

Old and obsolete Vst plug-ins (links for url story):

KXPM series
Vintage synthesizers, analog subtractive synthesis, etc... --> Obsolete plug-in, the Kx-PolyMod is really better...

Download KXPM23

KXMOD system = 1,2,3,4,5,6,8


03/2008 version 2.0
New Moog filter, new fx with 2 delays and a distortion (same modules of the Kx-Modulad).
New ADSR and implementation of the KxStep EQ.
This plug-in has also a SoundFont player.

A search began in 2002 around the structure of the "Mini", this version takes advantage of several modules of the Kx-Modulad and its original Kxmod system. The new bank includes over 70 presets.
This plug-in is technically more advanced than the older versions of the series KXPM that's why these are no longer available, only the SM-KXPM25  is available because it has a different structure.

Download SM-KXPM25

KXMOD system = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8



28/07/2005 version 1.8
Same as KXPM25: its skin size reduced by 50% and addition of help drawing (in english).

KXPM25 SCREENSHOT Obsolete plug-in
KXPM22 SCREENSHOT Obsolete plug-in

A soundfont player advanced and complete.

Download KX SF2-ST

KXMOD system = 7,8


Stereo output.
09/2005: Last update.

Please read SF2 help before using it

8X8CC series
To create sounds hearing like classical ensembles: strings, brass, choirs and instruments as the guitar and the bass. But you can also use it for synthetic pads or unisson leads.

Download 8X8CC

KXMOD system = 5,7


It has 8 pairs of oscillators and each pair can be detuned, the output is stereo.
For a powerful computer only : 8 notes = 128 oscillators (-P8, 25 to 45% of VST performance with an old mono processor P4 3 ghz).

11/08/2005 New version 1.3: New skin.

Download 8X8CC plus

KXMOD system = 5,7


8 oscillators per voice with a matrix of modulation, it has an additional envelope generator and the lfo can be monophonic or polyphonic.

11/08/2005 version 1.3
It has a new skin and it uses 45% of CPU to the maximum (-P8, 25 to 45% of VST performance with an old mono processor P4 3 ghz).
17/02/2006 version 1.4
Bug correction: the Lfo Eg gate was not connected.

Download 6X6CC

KXMOD system = 1,5,7


6 oscillators per voice with a matrix of modulation.
The oscillator volumes can be modulated by several sources in order to create synthetic pads.

11/08/2005 version 1.4
It uses 40% of CPU to the maximum (8 notes = 40% of VST performance with an old mono processor P4 3 ghz).

KX7 series
My first plug-ins.

Download KX7


2 LFOs, 1 S&H, 2 filters 2p (LP, HP, LP, BR) and 4p (LP).
09/2005: Last update.

Download KX7 SF2


The oscillator one is replaced by a Soundfont player.
09/2005: Last update.

Synthesizer of percussions, Vco modulation to the sample, etc...

Download PERCU

KXMOD system = 7


11 instruments: 1 wave player with 1 vco, 3 filters, 3 envelope generators and a complete control by the velocity.
It has 5 stereo outputs.

20/09/2005: version 2.1
The keyboard zone of each instrument is adjustable on 2 octaves with a threshold of velocity.
The keyboard can control the tune of the instrument.
27/11/2005: version 2.2
4 sets are integred:
Acoustic set, realized with the samples of C. Heas
Electro1 set, realized with the preset of JoMal.
Electro2 set, mixing the analogic synthesis with the samples.
Synthe Mono, a monophonic synthesizer built with a sample and the analog synthesis.
new parameters:  Wave Tune, Porta, Bend, Retrig, Mono, Note, All Vol.
Each instrument can become monophonic (the polyphony is 2 notes per instrument) in order to create synthesizer monophonic sounds or to save the CPU use.
04/03/2006: version 2.3
fixed bug: Cubase automates the vu-meters values.

Please read help note before using it



1 Warning
Caution! If you are a novice, don't work with a headphone and the volume at max because the virtual instruments can generate powerfull bass (<40 hz) and very high frequencies (res at max). The KX77FREE plug-ins are made for electronic experienced musicians who pratice electronic sounds synthesis regularly.
2 License
Author of the KX77FREE vst plug-ins: Claudia Kalensky.
The user downloads and uses the KX77FREE vst plug-ins at his own risk. The author of the vst plug-ins KX77FREE (or all other provider with KX77FREE agreement*) can not be responsible of material** or corporal damages (direct or indirect) caused by the use of the KX77FREE vst plug-ins.
*like Mao magazines, the url to download the KX77FREE files (zip or setup.exe, wma) is All other urls have not the author agreement!
**as any financial, personal or computer data loss.
It's recommended to save any important data before using the KX77FREE vst plug-ins. The KX77FREE vst plug-ins are provided without warranty. The user may not distribute the KX77FREE vst plug-ins in any way. The user may not distribute, modify and use the files provided with the vst plugin (sem, dll, png, etc...) in any way.
The KX77FREE vst plug-ins are always distributed with the file ''License.pdf'' which contains this license. Before downlading and using the KX77FREE vst plug-ins, the user has read carrefuly this license (1-Warning and 2-License) and he accept it.

KX77FREE: © 2003-2024 by Claudia Kalensky. All Rights Reserved.

All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
SynthEdit: © 2003 by Jeff McClintock. All Rights Reserved.
VST and ASIO are trademarks of Steinberg Soft und Hardware Gmbh.


WIN X64 (>=8.1) SE-Modular-ME-VST3-WIN:
zip 2.5 Mo
zip 1.8 Mo
zip 2.3 Mo
07 2024 :
x.03 - SE 1.5543
zip 2.8 Mo
06 2024 :
2.10 - SE 1.4709
Win x86 (>=XP sp3) : Win x64 (>=Seven) : Win x86 (>=Seven) :

zip 2.7 Mo
zip 2.0 Mo
zip 6.5 Mo
zip 4.9 Mo

zip 5.7 Mo
zip 5.3 Mo

Polyphonique :
zip 7.3 Mo
Monophonique :

VSTe :
Poly + M + FX :
X64 KX SYNTH X16 V7:
zip 13.2 Mo

zip 13.8 Mo

zip 18.4 Mo


73 formes d'onde :
zip 23.8 Mo
VSTe + 63 formes d'onde et leurs presets :
zip 23.2 Mo

VSTi Midi x86 :





V3.09 KXOMNI-600-U3



Sm-KXPM25-P8 Sm-KXPM25-P6 Sm-KXPM25-P4
6X6CC-P8 6X6CC-P6 6X6CC-P4
8X8CC-P8 8X8CC-P6 8X8CC-P4
2.02 KXOMNI-600-U3





BANQUES :      


Rights using of Claudia Kalensky's musical creations (*.wma)
Claudia Kalensky's musical creations (musics and demos) can be downloaded freely for private use only! Claudia C Kalensky's musical creations can not be copied or distributed in any way, can not be used in: music, film, radio or tv broadcast, web site, any kind of shows, etc... without the agreement of the author.
Any resemblance to another musical creation would be fortuitous and involuntary on behalf of the author, this one cannot know the whole musical production of the world. In case of intentional similarity, the artist having inspired the author will be mentioned.


Musics created with the KX77FREE plugins
Mir and Casta are extracted from LiveInMyHome album. The work on the sound and the mixing are improvised during the recording of the piece (KXPM). The locators of the midi sequencer are modified during the reading of the piece (Casta 2004). Background is not improvised, but it is entirely realized with KX77FREE plug-ins: KXPM, 8X8CC, PERCU and KXDELAY2 (except the reverberation: M 300).

The experts will notice the influence of Klaus Schulze. It is true: it is listening to his music that I began to feel like playing electronic music...

Mir00.wma 10.8 Mo
Mir01.wma 9.4 Mo
00Casta2004.wma 20 Mo
01Casta2004.wma 7.3 Mo
02Casta2004.wma 9.8 Mo
BackGround.wma 15.2 Mo

New versions of Casta (07-2005)
Improvisations played the same day starting from the Casta piece.

00Casta2005.wma 8.1 Mo
01Casta2005.wma 9.1 Mo
02Casta2005.wma 6.5 Mo
03Casta2005.wma 4.7 Mo
04Casta2005.wma 6.2 Mo

Musics created only for the KX77FREE plugins demos (2005)

demo KX77FREE 8x8cc Lead KXPM25 Bass.wma 3.8 Mo
Ultra bass dance demo.wma 5.5 Mo
baba cool demo.wma 8.4 Mo

The sounds of the demos vary according to my inspiration and are not always included in the soundbanks delivered with my plugins. Some demonstrations were created using midi files (J. S. Bach's scores).

(*) = My preferred old demos.
! = Tracks done with additionnal hardware synthesizers.


Bad girl - Sweet dream before seeing reality.wma 22 Mo
Bad girl - Men are dogs with us.wma 41.4 Mo
I don't need Moog - L'orgasme de la baleine.wma 67.4 Mo
! The Witch in the darkness - I'm dancing with the deaths.wma 56.2 Mo
! Mamie Electro is born - Joyeux bordel électro Neutronique.wma 28.8 Mo
Mamie Electro is born - The rules of the Earth.wma 30 Mo
Mamie Electro is born - St Valentin in hospital.wma 27.6 Mo
Mamie Electro is born - Inside the emptiness of Earth matrix.wma 18.7 Mo
Mamie Electro is born - I fall in love on the Moon ... wma 17 Mo
96k The Witch is here - The Witch is here.wma 53 Mo
The Witch is here - Electro Blues of mamie.wma 20.3 Mo
The Witch is here - Musical gift from the witch.wma 17 Mo
The Witch is here - Magic flowers to a good man.wma 20.3 Mo
Trans Electronic World - No man's land.wma 16.7 Mo
Trans Electronic Body -The witch is dancing in her garden.wma 20 Mo 
Trans Electronic Body - Be positive in the storm (x86-x64).wma 15.2 Mo 
KS Dream 2020 - Be one of darkness women.wma 34.2 Mo 
Electronic Music Transfert - Wendy and me.wma 45 Mo 
KS Dream 2019 - Live obsession remix.wma 52.3 Mo 
KS Dream 2019 - Poem of the witch.wma 62.4 Mo 
96k Electronic Matrix - The witch with rainbow apron.wma 31.4 Mo 
96k Electronic Music Immersion Part 4 Raimbow Sunset.wma 52.4 Mo 
Electronic Music Immersion Part 3 Border line in grey sky.wma 52.1 Mo
Electronic Music Fondation - Into the limbo.wma 25.7 Mo
Electronic Music Immersion Part 2 Krafty 2017.wma 29.3 Mo
Electronic Music Immersion Part 1 Laurie and me  (x86).wma 36.7 Mo
KS Dream 2016 We are digitalized  (x86).wma 37.6 Mo
KS Dream 2016 Cosmic track  (x86).wma 17.4 Mo
KS Dream 2016 Live obsession  (x86).wma 29.6 Mo
Cold September  (x86).wma 20.1 Mo
Another Electronic Dream  (x86).wma 18.5 Mo
KS Dream 2015  (x86).wma 27.6 Mo
Funky 32 beats 44k  (x86).wma 7.3 Mo
Funky special thank to Jeff  (x86).wma 17.3 Mo
In the darkness  (x86).wma 20.7 Mo
Movie end  (x86).wma 9.6 Mo
Nostalgie des 90's  (x86).wma 10.4 Mo
I am sequenced  (x86).wma 17.4 Mo
Just do it remix  (x86).wma 16.8 Mo

KX-SYNTH-X16-V3 and KX-MODULAD-V2  (11 2010)

EuropeEnd.wma 8.8 Mo
Modulad = sf2 drums + analog ens  X16 = bass + sequence background
Voices Running.wma 13.4 Mo
Modulad = sf2 drums + voices  X16 = sequence background
Vintage Running.wma 13.6 Mo
Modulad = sf2 drums + organ + fx  X16 = bass sequence + lead + detuned fx

KX-SYNTH-X16-V2 or 2.5 and KX-MODULAD-V2  (02 2010)

KX-Tron.wma 12.4 Mo
Rythm of Life.wma 12.8 Mo
Electronic Music.wma 10.6 Mo

KX-SYNTH-X16-V2 (2009)

KX-SYNTH-X16-V2_DEMO.wma 5.1 Mo Drums + bass + lead + Fx

KX-SYNTH-X16 (v1.04, 2008)

Krafty.wma 6.5 Mo 4 Kx-Synth-X16 (v 1.04)

User's demos 2008
Music by Simon Robinson, contact :
"...1970's Berlin style, using only KX77FREE synths & KXdelay
(apart from Reaper reverb with an EMT plate IR.)"

Spiral Galaxy KX77.mp3 7.4 Mo

Kx-Modulad (1.50, 2008) + KxStep + KxOmni + KxDelay2...

KX-Dream.wma 7.2 Mo  Kx-Modulad+KxStep (*)
KX-Repeat-Dream.wma 10.2 Mo Kx-Modulad+KxOmni (bass)+KxStep (*)
KX-Death-Trumpet.wma 12.8 Mo Kx-Modulad+KxOmni+KxStep
KX-Tech-Alias-part-1.wma 11 Mo KxPM23 (bass) +2 KxStep (Drums)...
KX-Tech-Alias-part-2.wma 7 Mo KxPM23 (bass) +2 KxStep (Drums)...
KX-String.wma 3.8 Mo KxOmni+KxStep
KX-Leto-2-part-1.wma 13.3 Mo Kx-Modulad+KxOmni+KxStep
KX-Leto-2-part-2.wma 10.1 Mo Kx-Modulad+KxOmni+KxStep

Kx-Modulad (1.00 version, 2007)

01-Welcome in my world-Kx-Modulad 4.6 Mo
02-Digital lead-Kx-Modulad.wma 4.1 Mo
03 Little Music-Kx-modulad-KxStep.wma 7.7 Mo

KXOMNI (V3-V2, 2007)

04 KS BLUES KXOMNI V3.wma 5.6 Mo
03 KS BLUES KXOMNI V3.wma 4.3 Mo
KXOMNI V2 demo1.wma 4.1 Mo
NFX-KXOMNI+Kxdelay2 demo.wma 3.8 Mo
KXOMNI V2 demo3.wma 7.3 Mo

Old demos (KXOMNI 1.3, 2005)

Bonus old track KXOMNI (1.22).wma 3.4 Mo
KS Solo Blues (kxomni+percu+8x8cc+).wma 5 Mo
01 Kxomni+Percu.wma 3.9 Mo
02 Kxomni+Percu.wma 7.4 Mo
03 Kxomni+Percu.wma 2.4 Mo
04 Kxomni+Percu.wma 2.4 Mo
01 kxpm22 flûte.wma 1.5 Mo
01 8x8 guitarBass.wma 2.1 Mo
02 8x8 guitarBass.wma 2.3 Mo

8X8cc Plus (2005)

01 demo 8x8cc plus ens st with m300 rev.wma 1.5 Mo(*)
02 demo 8x8cc plus voices with no fx.wma 0.2 Mo(*)
03 demo 8x8cc plus vintage strg .wma 1 Mo(*)
04 demo 8x8cc plus strig ens with m300 rev.wma 0.9 Mo
05 demo 8x8cc plus acoust bass.wma 1.3 Mo(*)
J S Bach demo 8x8cc Plus strg acoust inst.wma 9.3 Mo (*)(*)

KXPM22 (2004-2005)

J S Bach KXPM22 demo 01 (2004).wma 3.3 Mo
J S Bach KXPM22 demo 02 (2004).wma 2.2 Mo(*)(*)
J S Bach KXPM22 demo 03 (2004).wma 2.5 Mo
01 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 Vang.wma 2.6 Mo(*)(*)
02 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 s&h.wma 0.88 Mo(*)
03 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 Bla Bla vintages.wma 0.95 Mo
04 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 noise.wma 3.8 Mo(*)
05 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 extra vintage.wma 2.6 Mo
06 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 Danse in the step.wma 5.7 Mo(*)(*)
07 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 Bassfuzz.wma 2.6 Mo(*)
08 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 arpèges.wma 0.44 Mo
09 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 à l'ouest2.wma 0.5 Mo
10 KXPM22-KXDELAY2 à l'ouest1.wma 1.4 Mo(*)(*)

KXPM23 demos (old 1.00 version, 2004)

01demo kxpm23 (03-2004).wma 6.3 Mo
02demo kxpm23 J S Bach(03-2004).wma 3 Mo(*)
03demo kxpm23 electro Bass (03-2004).wma 0.7 Mo(*)
04demo kxpm23 J S Bach (03-2004).wma 4.5 Mo

KXSF2-ST (2005)

11 demo 03 KXSF2-ST J S Bach.wma 1.9 Mo
12 demo 02 KXSF2-ST J S Bach.wma 1 Mo
13 demo KXSF2-ST J S Bach.wma 1.9 Mo(*)


Links: 32/64-64/32 bridge to use the 32 bit VSTs with Live 9 64 bit or other 64 bit hosts without 2.xx bridge, 20$ only. (Eng) [KX77FREE's videos]] (Gr/Eng) [Free host] (Eng) [Free host, sf2 tools] (Eng) [SE, modular host to create your vst!] (Eng)[SE help] (Fr) [SE forum] (Eng) [Free IDE c++] (Eng) [DSP code] (Eng)[Graphic Tools] (Fr) [Music forum] (Eng) [Free vst] (Fr/Eng) (Eng) [Free vst] (Fr) (Fr) [Free vst] (Fr/Eng) [Free vst] (Eng) [loops, vst links] (Fr) [Music links] DC 2007! (Eng) [Music forum, vst database] (Eng) [Free vst links] (Fr) [Music forum] (Gr) [Free vst database] (Eng) [Free vst database] (Eng) [Synth links] (Fr/Eng) [Music forum,vst database] (Fr) [Music forum, modular ] (Fr) [Music, modular ] (Fr) [Music radio, modular ] (Fr) [Music radio, modular ]


KX77FREE : © 2003-2024 by C Kalensky. All Rights Reserved.